"Variety is the spice of life." Much of our daily work is repetitive. As a dental radiographic technician, I get into my "groove" with each patient. Although the x-ray work-up for each patient may vary, I tend to say many of the same phrases over and over again. I have different techniques and routines for handling different types of patients. That is where the creative aspect comes into play. I initially observe the patient, then I try to fit their needs as to how slow or fast we will get the job done. This allows me to adapt my rountine and guide how much information will be given and exchanged.
I have recently had the pleasure of working with two different veteran technicians and I watched their routines and explanations. I worked with one of them for several months while we were having a new office built. She "trained" with us here at the Sacramento office but I feel she trained me just as much. I learned volumes from her and from another technician from a different office who now works here with me every Friday. I still learn and try to integrate new ideas each time we work together.
I enjoy watching how these seasoned technicians deal with various patients and their particular needs. I believe that because I have added more variety into my day, my patient?s receive better care.