Children have a unique way at looking at the world around them. They have the ability to live in the present. Whether it is feeling unsure of themselves or their surroundings, or having complete confidence in the eventual outcome of an event; they wear their feelings on their faces. They are not concerned with how they behaved yesterday, nor do they think ahead and try to organize events that are in the future.
I was taking a routine set of anterior periapical?s on this darling 8-year-old girl when she made me stop and really take notice of her. I was reminded how each "moment" is precious, especially to a child. She was totally living in the present, noticing her surroundings. It made me appreciate and enjoy her care-free attitude. I carried that youthful sense of wonderment with me the rest of the afternoon. There is much we can learn from children that we lose as we mature.
"Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present."