Fall has arrived. The leaves on the trees are turning to the reds, oranges, and yellows that signal a new season is here. It is a time to enjoy the foods and events that autumn brings to us. Change is in the air, with cooler, darker evenings, more time spent inside with family and friends. These are simple changes and perhaps, taken for granted. Yet, this season brings to us a kind of simplicity that fills the senses and calls for us to express a gratefulness to be alive. The change in weather also prompts us to modify our menus and enjoy the vegetables of this season, like the yellow & green squashes, pumpkins, chilies, and late corn, perhaps to create a delicious soup, or bake a pumpkin pie.
This time of year is also perfect for taking a hike and reveling in the colors and smells of autumn. A drive to the mountains is sure to rejuvenate, I love the smell of pine trees on a cool morning. We can fill the heart with joy by dedicating a few moments or hours to a conscious personal experience of autumn's abundance.