Sometimes there is just not enough time in the day; too much to do, and too little time. How is it that some people get so much accomplished while others just manage the bare minimum? My mother says that "If you want something to get done, give the job to a busy person". She is right. The more we have to do the more we get accomplished. When we are presented with several projects at one time, we tend to get more organized and prioritize better. There are several people I work with that are amazing at just getting the job done, many times just getting started is the biggest hurdle.
Another way these efficient people utilize their skills is by delegating. They are very good at delegating and expect more from the people around them, and in return receive more from them. It is hard to let jobs go, we tend to want to do it all ourselves, feeling that only we can do it just right, but many times another person can do the job even better. So if you find yourself falling behind or not getting everything done that you would like, maybe you just need to start some more projects. Interesting how that works.