We go to the Internet for information every day. Whether it is to get directions, learn more about a medical condition, or how to care for our bonsai tree, the information is right at our fingertips. We can also get the latest information for our organization at www.aadmrt.com.
Just last week we had a doctor call here looking for an imaging lab in the Austin Texas area. I directed him to the website and told him to put in the zip code of his area and he would get the closest AADMRT labs to him. The search revealed the labs closest to Austin, (2 in Austin) and all the ones in-between as far away as Pueblo, Colorado 718 miles away.
Most of you members visit the website regularly; but for the new members of AADMRT, I would like tell you a bit about the website and invite you to check it out.
Included on the web site are links to our sponsors web pages, newsletters advertisement deadlines, lab search by zip code, access to your personal lab information, and links to other maxillofacial organizations. Also available are dates for upcoming AADMRT conferences where you can learn all about the very latest techniques and the imaging equipment available and get your CE credits, so check it out. All the newsletters are available on line and are updated quarterly. You can find any past issue of Currents and print an article or email it right from the web page.
Additionally, you can get in touch with any board member directly from the site. Board member positions open regularly and you can see what is available and what the job entails.
We welcome comments and suggestions for the website, so get involved! 2005 is a great year to get on line with the AADMRT.
If you have gone to the site but do not know or have forgotten your password, contact AADMRT and your password will be e-mailed to you promptly. Send me an e-mail and let me know what you think.