I hope all of you enjoyed a few days off for the holidays. I had the privilege of seeing many of you at the AAOMR/AADMRT Fall Joint Sessions. I really enjoyed the joint meeting. At first I was a little apprehensive with the two groups joining as one meeting, but I found it to be very interesting and the members of AAOMR were very welcoming. I would love to see our groups join again in the future. I would like to extend a congratulations to three new AADMRT Board of Directors. They are Cherie Berry, Nancie Grabow and Jeannie Robles. I appreciate your time and dedication to AADMRT. We will be needing four positions filled for next year, so if any of you are interested in running for the Board of Directors, please contact Nancie.
Ron Thatcher will be taking over this year as our President. He has one year left on his term and he has graciously volunteered to lead us during his final leg. I know that he will do a wonderful job since he has had the last three years following in Dan Halpert's footsteps.
Ron and Tony Giacobazzi will be hosting our Spring Seminar this year in Berkeley, and they are going to have a fantastic lineup of speakers that you will be hearing about soon. We will be getting the registration packages in the mail in the next month or so.
To Dan, thank you on behalf of AADMRT for your wonderful job as our leader the last three years. There have been many challenges during your reign, including the changing of our treasurer, the change over in the State of California, eliminating our school, and the chasing down of X-ray labs that are non-compliant with the law. Dan has agreed to continue with pursuing non-compliant x-ray laboratories holding a special committee position for AADMRT. He will keep us informed on his pursuit.
I recently went to Reno, to look at the Atlantic Casino Resort Spa where our Fall Convention will be hosted by n/ Sequence. I meet with our convention chairs, Daniel Llopp and Rebecca Lynch. They both are very excited about hosting our convention, and they will give us a full report in our next newsletter. Rebecca and I took a tour of the Hotel and we found it to be very nice. I think all of you will really enjoy the facility. The staterooms are really nice on all levels. The hotel is close to the airport with a courtesy airport shuttle. It has a full spa, 2 pools, a workout room, and many restaurants, including a Sushi bar. The casino is spotless- I mean, it is the cleanest Casino that I have ever been in. The convention rooms are great. The dates have been changed to October 6th and 7th 2011.
Diane Yamamoto and Krista Scheers have graciously agreed to host our 2012 Spring Seminar somewhere down in Southern - CA. So look forward to updates on this meeting. I am sure they will put on an awesome seminar.
I have been asked to add a recipe corner to our newsletter, So please look through your favorite recipes and send them to me to be publish.