The time has come for my last "Presidents Message". It has been a wild two years at the helm of this organization. As I look back I am amazed at the roller coaster that these two years have been.
The low point being the rapid onset of the recession and the effect on our national economy. This affects us all; families unsure about their income do not sign contracts and have orthodontics on their children or themselves. Adult patients delay getting implants or their doctors attempt to save cost by not having a competent CBCT scan prior to implant surgery.
The high points of the two years were our two continuing conventions. Portland was an information packed meeting in one of the most beautiful cities I have ever had the good fortune to spend some time in.
Most recently our joint meeting with the American Academy of Oral Radiology in San Diego was very successful. I heard many positive comments from our members about the caliber of the meeting and how they enjoyed being immersed in oral radiology continuing education that really challenged their powers of observation as x-ray technicians.
The San Diego meeting was truly a two-way street. Our members Craig Dial and Matt Kroona both made presentations that helped show the AAOMR some of the depth of knowledge and technique our membership has or strives to possess.
If you skipped the last meeting or two it is time that you invest in your future in this field of dental imaging. The meetings are economically priced and held in reasonably priced hotels. Yes you can probably find cheaper CE units but not ones that directly relate to your imaging career.
Through thick and thin the Board of Directors were along for the ride, providing their insights and opinions. Thankfully they are a group of insightful and independent thinkers and felt free to disagree. The honesty of their input and the energy they have invested in our organization are invaluable beyond my explanation.